ViewBMP is a shareware application that runs on Macintosh computers. It is designed to open and display any files that are encoded using the BMP standard. BMP is a format specifically designed for the easy storage of monochrome or color pictures. ViewBMP quickly and painlessly displays BMP files. It can open more than one file at once, limited only by the amount of memory available on your machine. And it can translate BMP files into PICT format, suitable for opening in almost any Macintosh application.
ViewBMP is a copyrighted shareware application. You may use it for up to 15 days without charge, but if you keep it any longer than that, you should pay the $15.00 fee and register your copy of the program. When you register, you will receive an Registration Code, which you can use to personalize your copy of ViewBMP. Personalizing will also get rid of the original startup screen.
You are licensed to use ViewBMP for up to 15 days before registering, and indefinitely thereafter. You may make copies of the unregistered ViewBMP application, so long as its documentation (including this document) is copied along with it. Complete unregistered copies may be given to others, so long as you do not accept any compensation for doing so, and that any copies you give away are accompanied by this documentation.
You may not give away registered copies of ViewBMP. You may not charge anyone for giving them a copy of ViewBMP.
Opening a File
Select “Open…” from the File menu. ViewBMP will display a list containing all files whose names end with “.BMP”. Highlight a name in the list, and either double-click the highlighted name, or click on the “Open” button. ViewBMP will open the file and display it in a window.
Saving a PICT File
Select “Save As…” from the File menu. ViewBMP will suggest a file name by replacing the “.BMP” suffix of your input file name with the suffix “.PICT”. Once you’ve selected a folder to hold the output file, simply click the “Save” button. That’s all there is to it.
Color Fidelity
BMP files will generally look best on monitors set to display 256 colors. Each BMP file typically has its own custom color table. When ViewBMP saves a PICT file, the color table is saved along with the file, so that the exact colors can be reproduced when the PICT file is opened in another application that supports color tables. If you open the PICT file in an application that does not support color tables, the colors may not be exact, but they will be close to their intended values.
In order to complete registration, you’ll need the Registration Code. To get the code, call Kandu Software Corporation at 703-532-0213, and have a Visa or Mastercard handy. Or, you can mail a check or money order to:
Kandu Software Corporation
131 Great Falls Street, Suite 100
Falls Church, VA 22046
When ViewBMP first starts up, it displays a screen that encourages you to register, and offers two choices: "Register" and "Later". If you push "Later" you can use the program without having a Registration Code and ViewBMP is now ready to open and display BMP files. When you click on the "Register" button, the Registration screen will appear and you should type in your name as you want it to appear, and then type in the registration code.
When both your name and the registration code have been typed in, the OK button becomes available. Click the OK button to complete registration. The startup screen will now bear your name, and the initial “Registration Reminder” screen will be gone forever.
If you encounter any problems with ViewBMP, please call us at 703-532-0213. We’ll do what we can to make sure that ViewBMP always does its job right.